

贷款是学校的资金 必须 偿还. The following loans are available for Central Penn students. 


The 联邦直接斯塔福德贷款 is a loan program in which students have an opportunity to take a loan in their own name with no co-signers or credit check.

  • 一定是U.S. 公民或永久居民
  • 必须至少是中场休息吗
  • 一定要攻读学位
  • First payment due 6 months after graduation or withdrawal or less than ½ time status
  • 还款期限最长为10年
  • Must complete Free 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and all other forms requested by the 金融援助 Office


  • 第一年(0-35学分): $5,500 total, of which no more than $3,500 may be subsidized.
  • 第二年(36-71学分): $6,500 total, of which no more than $4,500 may be subsidized.
  • 第三年 & 超越(72+学分): $7,500 total, of which no more than $5,500 may be subsidized.

Independent Student or 依赖学生 whose parent is unable to obtain a PLUS Loan

  • 第一年(0-35学分): $9,500 total, of which no more than $3,500 may be subsidized.
  • 第二年(36-71学分): $10,500 total, of which no more than $4,500 may be subsidized.
  • 第三年 & 超越(72+学分): $12,500 total, of which no more than $5,500 may be subsidized.

出口咨询: All students are required to complete exit counseling once they graduate, 撤销或降至6学分以下. 退出咨询可以在 http://studentloans.gov/myDirectLoan/index.action.


Direct Subsidized 贷款 and 直接无补贴贷款

Direct Subsidized 贷款 and 直接无补贴贷款




10/1/19当日或之后及10/1/20之前: 1.059%

10/1/20当天或之后及10/1/21之前: 1.057%

10/1/19当日或之后及10/1/20之前: 4.236%

10/1/20当天或之后及10/1/21之前: 4.228%

Interest Rates for Direct 贷款 First Disbursed on or After July 1, 2021, and Before June 20, 2022


Direct Subsidized 贷款 and 直接无补贴贷款




本科: 3.73%

研究生或专业: 5.28%

家长和研究生或专业学生: 6.28%


The interest rate for Direct Consolidation 贷款 remains the weighted average of the interest rates on the loans included in the consolidation, rounded to the next higher one-eighth of one percent. There is no maximum interest rate for Direct Consolidation 贷款.


The PLUS loan is for parents who want to borrow funds to help pay for their student’s education. Parents must demonstrate creditworthiness for this program. Central Penn’s 金融援助 Office can do a PLUS pre-screening to see if one of their parents qualifies. If PLUS Loan is denied, the student may borrow up to an additional $4,000 on their Stafford Loan. 请今天打电话!


  • 父母必须是美国公民.S. 公民或永久居民
  • 父母是借款人,必须有良好的信用
  • Student must be at least half-time and degree seeking
  • May borrow difference between cost and other financial aid awards
  • First payment begins 60 days after final disbursement of the loan
  • Payment can be deferred until 6 months after the student graduates or stops attending 
  • 还款期限长达10年
  • 浮动利率高达9%
  • 贷款费用4元.228%


  • 去 www.热门产品.政府
  • 点击登录框
  • 输入“父FSA ID”和“密码”
  • 所有其他步骤都是相同的


基于7.9% or 8.50%的利率


















































To assist students and their parents in identifying a lender for a Private Education Loan, 澳门MG现金制定了一份优先贷款人名单. (Please be aware that there are several lenders who will not lend to a Central Penn student due to our for-profit status. Please ask your lender if they will lend to you for Central Penn before applying.)另外, documented experiences with these lenders during the past academic year by students and by staff within the 金融援助 Office were considered as a qualitative component. 毕竟信息已经收集好了, a committee reviewed the data and developed the list of lenders below. 该名单每年进行评估和更新.


  • Have a history of excellent customer service in dealing with our students and families – this includes offering a variety of payment options and maintaining well-trained staff to answer questions via a toll-free telephone number;
  • Offer benefits, such as interest rate reduction for auto-debit; and
  • Offer “value-added” services to students – this includes offering debt management tools and programs, providing useful websites to educate students on financial issues and offering default prevention programs.
  • 我没有主动提出 financial benefits or other benefits to Central Penn in exchange for inclusion on Central Penn’s preferred lender list.
  • 我没有主动提出, 直接或间接, 点, 保费, 报酬或其他诱因, to Central Penn or any party to secure applicants for loans.
  • Will not offer a loan to induce other products and services to the borrower.

请记住,这只是一个建议的贷款人名单. You are not required to select a lender from our Preferred Lender List. 你可选择任何贷款人及/或担保人. If you decide to select a lender not included on our Preferred Lender List, please call the 金融援助 Office at 1-800-759-2727.

The 金融援助 Office will process a loan from any eligible lender you select. The processing of your loan will not be delayed if you choose a lender that is not on our list. 学校是必须的, by federal regulations to certify federal student loans from any eligible lender/guarantor selected by the student or parent. As of February 14, 2010, lenders and schools will provide a 自我认证形式, as part of the application process for a private student loan. The loan application will not be complete until all forms and disclosures are signed by the borrower and co-borrower.  


  • PA远期学生贷款
  • 零费用
  • 低成本,固定利率
  • 低利率(3).73-6.4月69%)
  • 半小时内可以入学吗
  • Co-borrower release after 48 consecutive on-time monthly payments.
  • 0.25% interest rate reduction for automatic debit and 0.50%毕业
  • 多种还款计划
  • PNC Solutions贷款
  • 不收取申请费或申请费
  • 固定和可变利率贷款选项
  • 选择5年、10年或15年的还款期限
  • Borrower can apply for a co-signer release after 48 consecutive on-time monthly payments
  • 立即偿还, interest-only payments while in school and full deferment of principal and interest options
  • 0.自动借记可减息50%

机会开始 这里

几分钟可以开始一生的成功! 现在就填写我们的免费在线申请.
